esser, jokere, og NFT'er: Playing Card Producent Cykel lancerer NFT Genesis Collection

The well known playing card manufacturer Bicycle has announced the launch of the companys first non-fungible token (NFT) collection. The NFT card collectibles called theGenesis Collectionwere designed by the artist Adrian Valenzuela and the first drop of NFTs were

Marvel Comics fortæller freelance-kunstnere, at de ikke skal bruge NFT'er fra Marvel-mærket, Udgiver til 'Introduce Opportunities for Creators'

Sidste marts, tegneserieforlaget DC Comics fortalte freelancere, at intellektuel ejendomsret (IP) og tegn ejet af DC Comics var off-limits i forhold til freelancere, der udnyttede IP for ikke-fungibelt token (NFT) aktivsalg. A recent report indicates that Marvel